Category / Salvia - Sage

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  • Salvia Mystic Spires Blue (Sage)

    Everblooming from early summer to frost, Salvia ‘Mystic Spires Blue’ is an excellent compact selection from the highly popular Salvia ‘Indigo Spires’. Well-branched and very free-flowering, ‘Mystic Spires Blue’ produces masses of…

  • Salvia Phyllis Fancy

    Salvia ‘Phyllis Fancy’ is a vigorous and elegant evergreen Sage that will reward you with masses of sturdy, fuzzy, lavender white flower spikes cupped in beautiful dark blue bracts from mid-summer to…

  • Salvia Royal Bumble (Sage)

    Noted for its vibrant flowers, Salvia ‘Royal Bumble’ is a bushy evergreen shrub with a profusion of large, brilliant red flowers adorned with contrasting purple-black calyxes over a long season. Blooming from…

  • Salvia Ultra Violet (Sage)

    Salvia ‘Ultra Violet’ is an eye-catching perennial that will reward you with a profusion of bright violet flowers from mid-summer to frost. Borne in loose terminal racemes along upright stems clad with…

  • Salvia Wendys Wish (Sage)

    Noted for its long blooming season and citrus scent, Salvia ‘Wendy’s Wish’ (Sage) is a clump-forming perennial featuring showy spikes of large, loose clusters of magenta-pink flowers, emerging from papery, dusty pink…

  • Hardy Perennial Salvias (Sage)

    With their vertical, densely packed flower spikes, ranging from rich indigo-blue to violet to purple, these hardy salvias contribute to create incredibly beautiful and contrasting combinations with other perennials and ornamental grasses…

  • Salvia Amistad (Sage)

    Noted for its extremely long blooming season, award-winning Salvia ‘Amistad’ (Sage) is a bushy, upright perennial with large, rich royal purple flowers adorned with nearly black calyces. Blooming constantly from early summer…

  • Salvia Azure Snow (Sage)

    Perfect for small spaces, Salvia ‘Azure Snow’ is a lovely upright perennial producing unique bicolored flowering spikes of deep violet blue and white flowers. The blossoms are densely arranged in whorls around…

  • Salvia Back to the Fuchsia (Sage)

    Perfect for small spaces, Salvia ‘Back to the Fuchsia’ is a lovely upright perennial producing fuchsia pink flowers on contrasting, dark charcoal stems. The blossoms are densely arranged in whorls around the…

  • Salvia Embers Wish (Sage)

    Noted for its long blooming season, Salvia ‘Ember’s Wish’ (Sage) is a woody-based perennial featuring showy spikes of bright fiery-orange and coral flowers emerging from papery, dusty rose bracts. Blooming from spring…

  • Salvia Hot Lips (Sage)

    Noted for its pretty bicolor flowers, Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ is an evergreen perennial that will reward you with a profusion of eye-catching, brilliant red and white flowers from early summer to frost.…

  • Salvia Indiglo Girl (Sage)

    Perfect for small spaces, Salvia ‘Indiglo Girl’ is a lovely upright perennial boasting large, rich and vibrant blue flowers adorned with contrasting dark calyxes. The blossoms are densely arranged in whorls around…

  • Salvia Indigo Spires (Sage)

    Prized by gardeners, Salvia ‘Indigo Spires’ is a vigorous shrubby perennial with masses of long, twisted spikes of indigo blue flowers held in dusky purple calyces. Blooming continuously from early summer to…

  • Salvia Little Kiss (Sage)

    Noted for its pretty bicolor flowers, Salvia ‘Little Kiss’ is a charming, upright perennial with a profusion of eye-catching, brilliant lipstick red and white flowers from spring to frost. Borne in loose…

  • Salvia Love And Wishes (Sage)

    Noted for its long blooming season, Salvia ‘Love And Wishes’ (Sage) is an upright perennial featuring showy spikes of bold reddish-purple flowers, emerging from papery, dark burgundy bracts. Blooming from late spring…