Category / Polypodium - Ferns

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  • Polypodium glycyrrhiza (Licorice Fern)

    Native of coastal regions from Alaska to California, Polypodium glycyrrhiza (Licorice Fern) is a semi-evergreen fern forming attractive mats of gracefully arching, triangular, dark green fronds, 10-12 in. long (25-30 cm). The…

  • Polypodium scouleri (Leathery Polypody)

    Polypodium scouleri (Leathery Polypody) is a spreading, evergreen fern with bold, broadly ovate to triangular, leathery, glossy, dark green fronds, up to 12 in. long (30 cm). The spores line the backs…

  • Polypodium virginianum (Rock Polypody)

    Polypodium virginianum (Rock Polypody) is an evergreen fern with attractive, thick textured, lance-shaped, bright green fronds, cut deeply on both sides of their central leaf rib. The spores line the backs of…

  • Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody)

    Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody) is an evergreen fern with attractive leathery, lance-shaped, bright green fronds, cut deeply on both sides of their central leaf rib. Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody) is an evergreen…

  • Thelypteris noveboracensis (New York Fern)

    Thelypteris noveboracensis (New York Fern) is a soft, deciduous fern with fine-textured, pinnate-pinnatifid, ellipitical and tapering, light yellow-green fronds, 8-25 in. long (20-62 cm). They feature approximately 20 pinnae (leaflets) that are…

  • Pleopeltis polypodioides (Resurrection Fern)

    Pleopeltis polypodioides (Resurrection Fern) is an evergreen fern with attractive lance-shaped fronds, 4-8 in. long (10-20 cm), once pinnately divided with 8-14 pairs of oblong pinnae (leaflets). The pinnae are densely scaled…

  • Polypodium californicum (California Polypody)

    A popular California native fern, Polypodium californicum (California Polypody) is a semi-evergreen fern with attractive leathery, lance-shaped, rich green fronds. Remaining lush and fresh-looking from fall to spring, California Polypody dies back…

  • Polypodium cambricum (Welsh Polypody)

    Providing cheerful greenery throughout the winter, Polypodium cambricum (Welsh Polypody) is a semi-evergreen fern with attractive leathery, very broad, pinnatifid, deep green fronds. Remaining lush and fresh-looking from fall to spring, Welsh…