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  • Lewisia cotyledon (Siskiyou Lewisia)

    Strikingly beautiful, Lewisia cotyledon (Siskiyou Lewisia) is an evergreen perennial forming a substantial rosette of fleshy, spoon-shaped dark green leaves. In late spring and summer, occasionally later, it is topped with lovely,…

  • Lewisia rediviva (Bitter Root)

    Lewisia rediviva (Bitter Root) is a small ground-hugging perennial forming a rosette of narrow succulent green leaves. In early spring to early summer, it is topped with large, deep pink to nearly…

  • Lewisia tweedyi Rosea (Tweedy Lewisia)

    Incredibly eye-catching, Lewisia tweedyi ‘Rosea’ (Tweedy Lewisia) is an evergreen perennial forming a large rosette of fleshy, obovate green leaves, often suffused with purple. In mid to late spring, it is topped…

  • Lewisia cotyledon Elise Mixed (Siskiyou Lewisia)

    Award-winning Lewisia cotyledon ‘Elise’ (Siskiyou Lewisia) is an evergreen perennial forming a pretty rosette of fleshy, spoon-shaped dark green leaves. In late spring and summer, occasionally later, it is topped with lovely,…