Shrub Roses
Most shrub roses result from crossing old-rose types with modern roses. They include a rich variety of shrubs in terms of size, color, growth habit and fragrance. Most shrub roses are reliable, tough, disease resistant and repeat blooming from late spring to fall. Usually heavy blooming with smaller flowers but in greater quantities than the hybrid tea and floribunda roses. They are perfect for screens, hedges, beds and borders and as specimen plants.

- Rosa Dusky Maiden (Flori…
- Rosa Felicia (Hybrid Mus…
- Rosa Flower Carpet Coral…
- Rosa Fruhlingsgold (Shru…
- Rosa Full Sail (Hybrid T…
- Rosa Gruss an Aachen (Po…
- Rosa Henry Fonda (Hybrid…
- Rosa Iceberg (Floribunda…
- Rosa John F. Kennedy (Hy…
- Rosa Felicia (Hybrid Mus…
- Rosa Iceberg (Floribunda…
- Rosa Dusky Maiden (Flori…
- Rosa Iceberg (Floribunda…
- Rosa Flower Carpet Coral…
- Rosa Full Sail (Hybrid T…
- Rosa Henry Fonda (Hybrid…
- Rosa John F. Kennedy (Hy…