Grandiflora Roses
Grandiflora roses combine the elegant blooms of the Hybrid Tea Roses and the repeat-performance of the Floribunda Roses. They boast large flowers, usually double, on long stems, borne either solitary or in clusters of 3-5 blooms. Their shrubs are generally larger and more upright than Hybrid Teas. Although hardy and vigorous, they tend to be less popular than Hybrid Teas or Floribunda roses. They make excellent garden plants and are very popular as cut flowers.

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- Rosa Love (Grandiflora R…
- Rosa Midas Touch™ (Hybri…
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- Rosa Queen Elizabeth (Gr…
- Rosa Radiant Perfume (Gr…
- Rosa Shreveport (Grandif…
- Rosa Strike It Rich (Gra…
- Rosa Annas Promise (Gran…
- Rosa Cherry Parfait™ (Gr…
- Rosa Dick Clark (Grandif…
- Rosa Dream Come True™ (G…
- Rosa Gold Medal® (Grandi…
- Rosa Love (Grandiflora R…
- Rosa Midas Touch™ (Hybri…
- Rosa Mother Of Pearl® (G…
- Rosa Queen Elizabeth (Gr…
- Rosa Radiant Perfume (Gr…
- Rosa Shreveport (Grandif…
- Rosa Strike It Rich (Gra…