English Roses
Highly popular, English Roses combine the rosette form and perfume of old roses with the color range and repeat-flowering habits of modern roses. As Rose breeder, David Austin’s achievement is in marrying the romantic “English Rose” look with reliable garden performance, vigorous growth, full bushes, disease-resistance and prolific season-long bloom. Their graceful, shrubby habits make them ideal for mixed borders or large containers. Many varieties can also be trained as climbers or used to create flowering hedges.

- Rosa A Shropshire Lad (E…
- Rosa Ambridge Rose (Engl…
- Rosa Anne Boleyn (Englis…
- Rosa Benjamin Britten (E…
- Rosa Bishops Castle (Eng…
- Rosa Boscobel (English R…
- Rosa Brother Cadfael (En…
- Rosa Carding Mill (Engli…
- Rosa Charlotte (English …
- Rosa Claire Austin (Engl…
- Rosa Constance Spry (Eng…
- Rosa Crocus Rose (Englis…
- Rosa Crown Princess Marg…
- Rosa Darcey Bussel (Engl…
- Rosa Gertrude Jekyll (En…
- Rosa A Shropshire Lad (E…
- Rosa Ambridge Rose (Engl…
- Rosa Anne Boleyn (Englis…
- Rosa Benjamin Britten (E…
- Rosa Bishops Castle (Eng…
- Rosa Boscobel (English R…
- Rosa Brother Cadfael (En…
- Rosa Carding Mill (Engli…
- Rosa Charlotte (English …
- Rosa Claire Austin (Engl…
- Rosa Constance Spry (Eng…
- Rosa Crocus Rose (Englis…
- Rosa Crown Princess Marg…
- Rosa Darcey Bussel (Engl…
- Rosa Gertrude Jekyll (En…