Category / Citrus
Citrus japonica (Kumquat)
Remarkably cold-hardy, Citrus japonica (Kumquat) is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree prized for its glossy lance-shaped leaves and very small, oval, orange fruits. The orange rind is sweet and the light…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus maxima (Pummelo)
Citrus maxima (Pummelo) is a large evergreen shrub or small tree, prized for its huge, round to pear-shaped fruits that resemble grapefruits. The shrub or tree has somewhat of a weeping habit…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus sinensis Cara Cara (Navel Orange)
A popular navel orange variety, Citrus sinensis ‘Cara Cara’ is a medium-sized evergreen tree prized for its nearly seedless, juicy oranges with deep reddish-pink, ultra-sweet flesh. Low in acid, the fruit has…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus sinensis Moro (Blood Orange)
A popular blood orange variety, Citrus sinensis ‘Moro’ is a medium-sized, evergreen tree prized for its medium to large, juicy oranges with deep, wine-colored flesh. Frequently borne in clusters, they are the…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus x limon Eureka Pink Variegated (Lemon)
A sport of the popular Eureka lemon, Citrus x limon ‘Eureka Pink Variegated’ is a medium-sized, evergreen tree prized for its variegated foliage and round fruits. When young, the fruit is covered…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus x limon Eureka (Lemon)
A popular lemon variety, Citrus x limon ‘Eureka’ is a medium-sized, almost thornless, evergreen tree of spreading and open growth habit, prized for its abundant crops of oblong, bright yellow fruits. The…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus x limon Meyer (Meyers Lemon)
Citrus x limon ‘Meyer’ (Meyer’s Lemon) is a compact, spiny, evergreen shrub prized for its large rounded orange-yellow fruit, 3 in. across (8 cm), adorned with a smooth, thin skin. It is…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus x microcarpa (Calamondin)
Citrus x microcarpa (Calamondin) is a bushy evergreen shrub of upright and columnar habit, prized for its elliptic, glossy rich green leaves and very small, round, orange fruits. The orange flesh is…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus x paradisi (Grapefruit)
Citrus x paradisi (Grapefruit) is a spiny, evergreen tree, prized for its round fruits rich in vitamin C. The tree has a rounded canopy of spreading branches, thorny twigs and ovate, dark…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus × aurantiifolia (Key Lime)
Delicious and easy to grow, Citrus × aurantiifolia (Key Lime) is a spiny evergreen shrub or small tree, prized for its rounded fruit, 2-3 in. across (4-6 cm), with juicy green pulp.…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus × latifolia Bearss Lime (Persian Lime)
Citrus × latifolia ‘Bearss Lime'(Persian Lime) is a dwarf, nearly thornless evergreen shrub prized for its oval fruit, 2-3 in. across (4-6 cm), with juicy light greenish-yellow pulp. Vivid green and glossy…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus × latifolia (Persian Lime)
The most widely cultivated lime, Citrus × latifolia (Persian Lime) is a medium-sized, nearly thornless evergreen shrub or small tree, prized for its oval fruit, 2-3 in. across (4-6 cm), with juicy…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus clementina (Clementine)
Citrus clementina (Clementine) is a medium-sized, evergreen tree prized for its medium-small to medium fruit that is sweet, juicy, and easy to peel. They can very easily be broken apart into 8…
March 4, 2023 -
Citrus hystrix (Thai Lime)
Native to Southeast Asia, Citrus hystrix (Thai Lime or Kaffir Lime) is a thorny, multi-stemmed, evergreen shrub or small tree, prized for its citronella-scented foliage, profuse flowers, and bumpy green fruits. Its…
March 4, 2023