Prized for the beauty of their spectacular fragrant racemes in spring and early summer, Wisteria are climbers that never fail to add drama.

- Wisteria Burford (Japane…
- Wisteria Caroline (Japan…
- Wisteria Lavender Lace
- Wisteria brachybotrys Mu…
- Wisteria brachybotrys Ok…
- Wisteria brachybotrys Sh…
- Wisteria brachybotrys Sh…
- Wisteria floribunda Alba…
- Wisteria floribunda Domi…
- Wisteria floribunda Geis…
- Wisteria floribunda Kuch…
- Wisteria floribunda Lawr…
- Wisteria floribunda Macr…
- Wisteria floribunda Mura…
- Wisteria floribunda Rose…