Immensely popular, Astilbes are fabulous plants for shady, moist conditions. Admired for their graceful, colorful flower plumes rising elegantly above mounds of fern-like foliage which remains attractive all season long, they light up your shade garden for weeks and add a dazzling splash of color in the landscape.

- Astilbe Amethyst (Arends…
- Astilbe Bressingham Beau…
- Astilbe Bridal Veil (Are…
- Astilbe Cappuccino (Aren…
- Astilbe Chocolate Cherry…
- Astilbe Country and West…
- Astilbe Darwins Dream (A…
- Astilbe Delft Lace
- Astilbe Deutschland (Jap…
- Astilbe Diamond (Arendsi…
- Astilbe Erica (Arendsii …
- Astilbe Europa (Japonica…
- Astilbe Fanal (Arendsii …
- Astilbe Granat (Arendsii…
- Astilbe Happy Spirit (Ar…