Helenium Potters Wheel (Sneezeweed)

Helenium ‘Potter’s Wheel’ produces eye-catching flowers, 2 in. wide (5 cm), with deep crimson-brown petals, each adorned with a thin golden-yellow edge. The petals are held flat, around a chocolate brown cone, which fades to yellow as the flower matures. Rather sparsely petalled, the blossoms are elegantly borne atop the foliage of oblong to lance-shaped, dark green leaves, and create an impressive display in the late summer garden.

Helenium 'Potter's Wheel' produces eye-catching flowers, 2 in. wide (5 cm), with deep crimson-brown petals, each adorned with a thin golden-yellow edge. The petals are held flat, around a chocolate brown cone, which fades to yellow as the flower matures. Rather sparsely petalled, the blossoms are elegantly borne atop the foliage of oblong to lance-shaped, dark green leaves, and create an impressive display in the late summer garden.

  • This fabulous perennial provides weeks of splashes of color, from late summer to fall, when many other perennials are starting to fade.
  • Grows up to 3-4 ft. tall (90-120 cm) and spreads 2 ft. wide (60 cm)
  • Looks stunning planted in mass, and mixes beautifully with ornamental grasses or any other perennial plants. Well suited for borders, cottage gardens, or naturalistic areas such as prairies or meadows.
  • Very attractive as cut flowers, it has good resistance to most insects and diseases, attracts butterflies and deer ignore it!
  • A full sun lover, it is very hardy and prefers average, medium to wet, well-drained soils. Prefers rich, moist soils and hates dry soils. Regular watering maters for profuse blossoms!
  • Deadheading will extend the flowering season. Once flowering has ceased and the plant has died back the stems should be cut down.


Hardiness 3
– 8

Heat Zones 1
– 8

Climate Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Plant Type Perennials
Plant Family Helenium – Sneezeweeds
Exposure Full Sun
Season of Interest Summer (Late)Fall
Height 3'
– 4'
– 120cm)
Spread 1'
– 2'
– 60cm)
Spacing 18″ (45cm)
Water Needs Average
Maintenance Average
Soil Type Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil pH Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Moist but Well-Drained
Characteristics Cut Flowers, Showy
Tolerance Clay Soil, Deer, Rabbit, Wet Soil
Attracts Birds, Butterflies, Hummingbirds
Garden Uses Beds and Borders
Garden Styles Informal and Cottage, Prairie and Meadow