Category / Zantedeschia / Calla Lilies
Zantedeschia Gold Rush (Calla Lily)
Calla Lily ‘Gold Rush’ (Zantedeschia) creates quite a sensation in the garden or patio with its succession of long-lasting, rich lemony-yellow, chalice-shaped flowers (spathes). The leaves are broadly arrow-shaped, dark green, and…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Golden Chalice (Calla Lily)
Calla Lily ‘Golden Chalice’ (Zantedeschia) creates quite a sensation in the garden or patio with its succession of long-lasting golden yellow trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes), borne atop elegant, mid-green, arrow-shaped, white-spotted leaves. Calla…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Amethyst (Calla Lily)
Compact, Calla Lily ‘Amethyst’ (Zantedeschia) features abundant lavender-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes), borne atop lush, narrowly oval, dark green leaves. Compact, Calla Lily 'Amethyst' (Zantedeschia) features abundant lavender-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes), borne atop…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Cameo (Calla Lily)
Calla Lily ‘Cameo’ (Zantedeschia) creates quite a sensation in the garden or patio with its succession of long-lasting peach to salmon orange trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes) with a dark brown eye, atop elegant,…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Captain Amigo (Calla Lily)
Calla Lily ‘Captain Amigo’ (Zantedeschia) makes marvels anywhere you put it, in the garden or patio. Why? Because it features glowing, golden trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes) that are delicately blending to deep orange,…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Captain Chelsea (Calla Lily)
Noted for its breathtaking blooms, Calla Lily ‘Captain Chelsea’ (Zantedeschia) boasts brilliant yellow, chalice-shaped flowers (spathes), adorned with a rich purple-burgundy throat. Every single flower is surrounded by elegant, lustrous, dark green…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Captain Romance (Calla Lily)
This Calla Lily is so romantic and irresistible! Admire its rich, deep pink trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes), delicately blending to soft green at their base, atop elegant, mid-green, arrow-shaped, white-spotted leaves. This Calla…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Captain Safari (Calla Lily)
Your eyes will inevitably be drawn by the fluttering bird wings and glowing flutes of Calla Lily ‘Captain Safari’ (Zantedeschia), a stunning bi-color beauty with bright orange trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes) that are…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Captain Ventura (Calla Lily)
Noted for its big, bold blooms, Calla Lily ‘Captain Ventura’ (Zantedeschia) boasts pure white chalice-shaped flowers (spathes), atop elegant, mid-green, arrow-shaped, white-spotted leaves. On display for weeks from summer to fall, this…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Crystal Blush (Calla Lily)
A world favorite, Calla Lily ‘Crystal Blush’ (Zantedeschia) is absolutely irresistible with its abundant, pure white trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes), delicately blending to soft pink as they mature, atop elegant, mid-green, arrow-shaped leaves…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Crystal Clear (Calla Lily)
A favorite for weddings, Calla Lily ‘Crystal Clear’ (Zantedeschia) is absolutely irresistible with its abundant, pure white trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes), atop elegant, mid-green, arrow-shaped leaves. A favorite for weddings, Calla Lily 'Crystal…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Fire Dancer (Calla Lily)
Calla Lily ‘Fire Dancer’ (Zantedeschia) is a glorious addition in the garden or patio with its succession of glowing, reddish-orange trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes) delicately blending to golden yellow, atop elegant, mid-green, arrow-shaped,…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Fire Glow (Calla Lily)
Festive, Calla Lily ‘Fire Glow’ (Zantedeschia) boasts fiery burgundy-red trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes) adorned with contrasting creamy-yellow bases. Borne atop shiny, arrow-shaped, dark green leaves with white spots, they are on display for…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Flame (Calla Lily)
Calla Lily ‘Flame’ (Zantedeschia) is a bold addition in the garden or patio with its succession of glowing trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes), opening golden yellow with a red edge and maturing to fiery…
March 4, 2023 -
Zantedeschia Garnet Glow (Calla Lily)
Noted for its large flowers and its unbelievably gorgeous color, Calla Lily ‘Garnet Glow’ (Zantedeschia) has a lot of sex appeal! You can’t help but admire its hot pink trumpet-shaped flowers (spathes),…
March 4, 2023