Category / Wisteria

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  • Wisteria floribunda Rosea (Pink Japanese Wisteria)

    Noted for its excellent fragrance, award-winning Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ (Pink Japanese Wisteria) is a strong-growing climber with twining stems of great beauty. It produces masses of very long drooping clusters, up to…

  • Wisteria Burford (Japanese Wisteria)

    Heavenly scented, award-winning Wisteria ‘Burford’ (Japanese Wisteria) is a deciduous climber with a long season of interest. In late spring or early summer, it produces masses of very long, drooping clusters, up…

  • Wisteria Caroline (Japanese Wisteria)

    Blooming earlier than most other wisteria varieties, Wisteria ‘Caroline’ is a deciduous climber with beautiful tresses, 6-12 in. long (15-30 cm), of wonderfully fragrant, pea-like, lilac-blue flowers. Blooming in late spring or…

  • Wisteria Lavender Lace

    A large-flowered Wisteria, ‘Lavender Lace’ produces long, hanging racemes, up to 20 in. long (50 cm), packed with 80 to 100 sweetly scented, pea-like flowers, that are a combination of pale lavender…

  • Wisteria brachybotrys Murasaki-Kapitan (Silky Wisteria)

    Highly scented, Wisteria brachybotrys ‘Murasaki-Kapitan’ is an excellent vigorous climber blooming early in the season. It produces pretty hanging sprays, up to 8 in. long (20 cm), packed with 35-47, pea-like, blue-violet…

  • Wisteria brachybotrys Okayama (Silky Wisteria)

    Strongly scented, award-winning Wisteria brachybotrys ‘Okayama’ produces masses of hanging sprays, up to 4-6 in. long (10-15 cm), of fragrant, pea-like, pale lilac flowers with a large and conspicuous white spot. Opening…

  • Wisteria brachybotrys Shiro-Kapitan (Silky Wisteria)

    Highly scented, award-winning Wisteria brachybotrys ‘Shiro-Kapitan’ is a gorgeous climber with flowers of great beauty. It produces masses of hanging sprays, up to 6 in. long (15 cm), of fragrant, pea-like, snow-white…

  • Wisteria brachybotrys Showa-Beni (Silky Wisteria)

    Noted for its foliage and lovely scent, award-winning Wisteria brachybotrys ‘Showa-Beni’ is a gorgeous climber with flowers of great beauty. It produces masses of hanging sprays, up to 6 in. long (15…

  • Wisteria floribunda Alba (White Japanese Wisteria)

    This famous Wisteria variety can be admired on the Japanese Bridge, in Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny, France. Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ is a beautiful white-flowered Japanese Wisteria with very long clusters, up…

  • Wisteria floribunda Domino (Japanese Wisteria)

    Award-winning Wisteria floribunda ‘Domino’ (Japanese Wisteria) is a deciduous climber with twining stems of great beauty. It produces masses of drooping clusters, up to 8 in. long (20 cm), with fragrant, pea-like…

  • Wisteria floribunda Geisha (Japanese Wisteria)

    Vigorous, Wisteria floribunda ‘Geisha’ (Japanese Wisteria) produces masses of hanging clusters, up to 14 in. long (35 cm), packed with softly scented, pea-like flowers, that are a combination of white and lavender-violet…

  • Wisteria floribunda Kuchi Beni (Japanese Wisteria)

    Noted for its excellent fragrance, Wisteria floribunda ‘Kuchi Beni’ (Japanese Wisteria) produces masses of very long drooping clusters, up to 18 in. long (45 cm), packed with pea-like, pale mauve-pink flowers, tipped…

  • Wisteria floribunda Lawrence (Japanese Wisteria)

    One of the best pale blue Wisteria cultivars, award-winning Wisteria floribunda ‘Lawrence’ (Japanese Wisteria) produces stunning tresses of sweetly scented, pea-like flowers, up to 20 in. long (50 cm). They are densely…

  • Wisteria floribunda Macrobotrys (Japanese Wisteria)

    Noted for its excellent fragrance and voluptuous floral display, award-winning Wisteria floribunda ‘Macrobotrys’ or ‘Multijuga’ (Japanese Wisteria) produces masses of extraordinarily long hanging clusters, up to 40 in. long (100 cm), packed…

  • Wisteria floribunda Murasaki Noda (Japanese Wisteria)

    Wisteria floribunda ‘Murasaki Noda’ (Japanese Wisteria) produces masses of drooping clusters, up to 10 in. long (25 cm), with fragrant, pea-like flowers, that are a combination of pale lavender and violet blue.…