Category / Triteleia

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  • Triteleia laxa Queen Fabiola (Ithuriels Spear)

    Reminiscent of a spear, Triteleia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’ is a cormous perennial boasting loose umbels of up to 25 big, star-shaped, intensely blue-mauve flowers in late spring to early summer. Reminiscent of…

  • Triteleia laxa (Ithuriels Spear)

    Rewarding and easy care, Triteleia laxa (Ithuriel’s Spear) is a cormous perennial boasting loose umbels of up to 25 big, star-shaped, blue-mauve flowers in mid-spring to early summer. The flowers are tubular,…

  • Triteleia laxa (Ithuriels Spears)

    Easy to grow, undemanding, beautiful and adaptable! Reminiscent of a spear, Triteleia laxa (Ithuriel's Spear) is a late spring or early summer flowering corm featuring funnel-shaped flowers, up to 1-2 in. wide…

  • Triteleia Rudy (Ithuriels Spear)

    Triteleia ‘Rudy’ is a cormous perennial boasting loose umbels of up to 25 star-shaped white flowers adorned with broad violet-blue stripes down the center of each petal. Triteleia 'Rudy' is a cormous…

  • Triteleia hyacinthina (White Brodiaea)

    Triteleia hyacinthina (White Brodiaea) is a cormous perennial boasting 4-inch-wide umbels (10 cm) of up to 10-40 delicate, milky white flowers in late spring to early summer. The flowers are bowl-shaped, sometimes…

  • Triteleia ixioides Starlight (Ithuriels Spear)

    Free-flowering, Triteleia ixioides ‘Starlight’ is a cormous perennial boasting loose umbels, 5 in. across (12 cm), packed with star-shaped, pale yellow flowers adorned with a pale purple stripe down the center of…