Category / Taxus - Yews

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  • Taxus baccata Standishii (English Yew)

    Highly popular, Taxus baccata ‘Standishii’ (English Yew) is a dense, narrowly columnar, evergreen shrub forming a splendid exclamation point in the landscape. Its tightly packed, erect branches are clothed in rich golden-yellow…

  • Taxus canadensis (American Yew)

    A true American native, Taxus canadensis (American Yew) is an open, sprawling evergreen shrub with spreading and ascending branches clothed with flat, narrow, dark green needles with pale green undersides. A true…

  • Taxus × media Densiformis (Anglo-Japanese Yew)

    Taxus × media ‘Densiformis’ (Anglo-Japanese Yew) is a semi-dwarf, evergreen shrub of rounded habit when young and spreading with age. Its dense undulating branches are clothed in glossy bright green needles, held…

  • Taxus × media Hicksii (Anglo-Japanese Yew)

    Taxus × media ‘Hicksii’ (Anglo-Japanese Yew) is a dense, evergreen shrub of narrowly columnar habit when young, becoming wider with age, with long, erect branches clothed in glossy dark green needles. It…

  • Taxus baccata David (English Yew)

    Taxus baccata ‘Davidi’ (English Yew) is a dense, narrowly columnar, evergreen shrub forming a splendid exclamation point in the landscape. Its tightly packed, erect branches are clothed in narrow green leaves edged…

  • Taxus baccata Dovastoniana (English Yew)

    Taxus baccata ‘Dovastoniana’ (English Yew) is a large, spreading, evergreen shrub or small tree with horizontal branches adorned with pendulous tips and sometimes, several upright central leaders. It is densely clothed in…

  • Taxus baccata Fastigiata Aurea (Irish Yew)

    Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata Aurea’ (Irish Yew) is a dense, upright, evergreen shrub of columnar habit when young, becoming more broadly conical as the plant ages. Its stiffly erect branches boast long, radially…

  • Taxus baccata Fastigiata (Irish Yew)

    One of the world’s most popular conifers, Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’ (Irish Yew) is a dense, upright, evergreen shrub of columnar habit when young, becoming more broadly conical as the plant ages. Its…

  • Taxus baccata Repandens (English Yew)

    A very popular choice, Taxus baccata ‘Repandens’ (English Yew) is a small, prostrate and wide-spreading, evergreen shrub with undulating branches adorned with pendulous tips. It is densely clothed in long, glossy, dark…

  • Taxus baccata Repens Aurea (English Yew)

    Taxus baccata ‘Repens Aurea’ (English Yew) is a small, prostrate and wide-spreading, evergreen shrub with undulating branches adorned with pendulous tips. It is densely clothed in long, glossy leaves, brightly edged with…