Category / Tanacetum

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  • Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Pyrethrum Daisy)

    Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Pyrethrum Daisy) is a showy perennial forming a compact mound of strongly aromatic, silvery, ferny foliage which remains decorative most of the year. Blooming for several weeks in early summer,…

  • Tanacetum coccineum Robinsons Red (Painted Daisy)

    Adding striking colors to the garden in late spring to early summer, Tanacetum coccineum ‘Robinson’s Red’ (Painted Daisy) is a clump-forming, upright perennial boasting a profusion of very showy daisies, 2.5 in.…

  • Tanacetum coccineum (Painted Daisy)

    Adding striking colors to the garden in early or mid-summer, Tanacetum coccineum, commonly called Painted Daisy or Pyrethrum, is a fabulous perennial. Why? Adding striking colors to the garden in early or…

  • Tanacetum niveum (Silver Tansy)

    Airy and delicate, Tanacetum niveum (Silver Tansy) is a mounding, multi-stemmed short-lived perennial boasting strongly aromatic gray-green divided foliage and clouds of tiny pure white daisies in dense panicles in late spring…

  • Tanacetum parthenium Aureum (Golden Feverfew)

    A highly popular golden-leaved variety, Tanacetum parthenium ‘Aureum’ (Golden Feverfew) is a mounded, clump-forming, dwarf cultivar with sprays of small white daisies atop a particularly decorative aromatic foliage. A highly popular golden-leaved…

  • Tanacetum parthenium (Feverfew)

    Eye-catching, Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a vigorous short-lived perennial that will light up your garden beds from mid to late summer with its prolific blooms of attractive, small, white flowerheads atop a…

  • Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy)

    Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy) is an erect, rhizomatous perennial bearing flat-topped clusters of buttonlike, golden daisy flowers in mid to late summer. They are borne atop strongly-scented, fern-like fresh green foliage. Tanacetum vulgare…