Category / Sorbus - Mountain Ash
Sorbus intermedia (Swedish Whitebeam)
Sorbus intermedia (Swedish Whitebeam) is a medium-sized deciduous tree adorned with a broad, dense canopy of broadly oval, deeply-lobed, dark green leaves covered with gray hairs on the underside, giving the tree…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus pseudohupehensis Pink Pagoda (Chinese Mountain Ash)
Sorbus pseudohupehensis ‘Pink Pagoda’ (Chinese Mountain Ash) is a compact medium-sized deciduous tree of broadly columnar habit with blue-green, pinnate leaves that turn brilliant red in the fall. In late spring, a…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus thibetica John Mitchell (Tibetan Whitebeam)
Strong-growing, Sorbus thibetica ‘John Mitchell’ (Tibetan Whitebeam) is a compact medium-sized deciduous tree adorned with a conical, almost rounded canopy of large, broadly rounded leaves, 6 in. long (15 cm). The leaves…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus torminalis (Wild Service Tree)
A grand sight in almost every season, Sorbus torminalis (Wild Service Tree) is a spreading deciduous tree adorned with upright sweeping branches and a rounded canopy of broad, pinnately lobed, maple-like, bright…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus Joseph Rock (Mountain Ash)
An ideal specimen tree for small gardens, Sorbus ‘Joseph Rock’ (Mountain Ash) is a pretty, upright, deciduous tree with a long season of interest. In late spring it produces charming clusters of…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus alnifolia (Korean Mountain Ash)
An ideal specimen tree for small gardens, Sorbus alnifolia (Korean Mountain Ash) is a small, densely-branched, deciduous tree with a long season of interest. It grows quickly and its upright branches form…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus americana (American Mountain Ash)
Sorbus americana (American Mountain Ash) is a small, densely-branched shrub or deciduous tree adorned with a short trunk and spreading, slender branches that form an open rounded crown. The elegant foliage of…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus aria Lutescens (Whitebeam)
Luminous, Sorbus aria ‘Lutescens’ (Whitebeam) is a medium-sized deciduous tree of oval to broad-pyramidal habit with ravishing foliage of broadly elliptic leaves, 4 in. long (10 cm), that emerge silvery in spring…
March 4, 2023 -
Sorbus aucuparia (European Mountain Ash)
Sorbus aucuparia (European Mountain Ash) is an upright deciduous tree of erect and oval habit in youth, usually rounding and opening with age. The elegant foliage of pinnate, uniformly serrated, dark green…
March 4, 2023