Category / Salix - Willows
Salix alba var. vitellina Yelverton (Golden Willow)
Noted for its colorful stems and stunning winter display, Salix alba var. vitellina ‘Yelverton’ (Golden Willow) is a deciduous tree, often grown as a multi-stemmed shrub. It sports bright, reddish-orange and yellow-orange…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix babylonica (Weeping Willow)
A popular lawn tree, Salix babylonica (Weeping Willow) is a medium to large deciduous tree boasting a stout trunk topped by a graceful open crown of branches that sweep downward to the…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix babylonica var. pekinensis Tortuosa (Corkscrew Willow)
Very fast-growing, Salix babylonica var. pekinensis ‘Tortuosa’ (Corkscrew Willow) is a medium-sized deciduous tree of upright spreading habit, noted for its amazing spirally contorted twigs and branches. The foliage of narrow leaves,…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix caprea (Pussy Willow)
Salix caprea (Pussy Willow) is a rounded large shrub or small deciduous tree boasting broadly elliptic dark green leaves adorned with a felty coating of fine gray hairs underneath. Before the foliage…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix discolor (Pussy Willow)
Salix discolor (Pussy Willow) is a rounded large shrub or small deciduous tree boasting broadly elliptic bright green leaves adorned with bluish undersides. Before the foliage emerges in late winter or early…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix exigua (Coyote Willow)
Very frost tolerant, Salix exigua (Coyote Willow) is a suckering, deciduous shrub forming a thicket of slender gray-green branches bearing linear, finely toothed, silky, silvery leaves when young, later gray-green. Coyote Willow…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix gracilistyla Melanostachys (Black Pussy Willow)
Salix gracilistyla ‘Melanostachys’ (Black Pussy Willow) is a bushy deciduous shrub boasting rich purple-black winter stems covered with a profusion of showy deep purple-black catkins adorned with red anthers. The anthers will…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix gracilistyla Mount Aso (Japanese Pink Pussy Willow)
Salix gracilistyla ‘Mount Aso’ (Japanese Pink Pussy Willow) is a bushy deciduous shrub boasting a profusion of fuzzy rosy-pink catkins, 1 in. long (2.5 cm). They gradually expand to 2 in. long…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix gracilistyla (Rose-Gold Pussy Willow)
Salix gracilistyla (Rose-Gold Pussy Willow) is a bushy deciduous shrub boasting plump, furry, gray catkins, 1 in. long (2.5 cm), adorned with many stamens sporting rose and gold anthers. Produced by male…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix integra Hakuro-Nishiki (Dappled Willow)
Attracting the eye with its bright, showy colors, Salix integra ‘Hakuro-Nishiki’ (Dappled Willow) is a deciduous shrub or small tree of great beauty. Attracting the eye with its bright, showy colors, Salix…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix lasiandra (Shining Willow)
Salix lasiandra (Shining Willow) is an upright, multi-stemmed, large shrub or small deciduous tree with a broadly spreading, rounded crown. The shiny green leaves are lanceolate, 2-5 in. long (5-12 cm), finely…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix Golden Curls (Willow)
Fast-growing, Salix ‘Golden Curls’ (Willow) is a large shrub or small tree of great ornamental value. Although the trunk and older branches are upright, forming an oval rounded crown, the younger branches…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix alba Tristis (White Willow)
A popular golden weeping willow, Salix alba ‘Tristis’ is a large deciduous tree boasting a stout trunk topped by a graceful open crown of pendulous, brilliant yellow twigs that kiss the ground.…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix alba var. vitellina Britzensis (Scarlet Willow)
Noted for its colorful stems and stunning winter display, Salix alba var. vitellina ‘Britzensis’ (Scarlet Willow) is a medium-sized deciduous tree, often grown as a multi-stemmed shrub. It sports bright, red to…
March 4, 2023 -
Salix alba var. vitellina Golden Ness (Golden Willow)
Noted for its colorful stems and stunning winter display, Salix alba var. vitellina ‘Golden Ness’ (Golden Willow) is a medium-sized deciduous tree, often grown as a multi-stemmed shrub. It sports bright, golden-yellow…
March 4, 2023