Category / Rhus - Sumacs

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  • Rhus typhina (Staghorn Sumac)

    Prized for its spectacular fall foliage and showy fruits, Rhus typhina (Staghorn Sumac) is a large suckering deciduous shrub or small tree with picturesque branches and velvety reddish-brown branchlets. The foliage of…

  • Rhus typhina Tiger Eyes® (Bailtiger)

    Award-winning Rhus Tiphina Tiger Eyes® is a real standout! Changing with every season, the cut-leaf foliage of this deciduous, suckering shrub emerges chartreuse in spring, matures to bright yellow in the summer,…

  • Searsia lancea (African Sumac)

    Native to South Africa, Searsia lancea (African Sumac) is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree with a rounded, wide spreading canopy and gracefully weeping foliage. Multi- or single-stemmed, it produces an abundance…

  • Rhus aromatica (Fragrant Sumac)

    Noted for its aromatic foliage, attractive berries, and glorious fall colors, Rhus aromatica (Fragrant Sumac) is a dense, sprawling, deciduous shrub with lower branches that turn up at the tips. Native to…

  • Rhus copallinum (Winged Sumac)

    Ornamental with its shiny foliage and showy fruit, Rhus copallinum (Winged Sumac) is a colony-forming, deciduous shrub or small tree of large, open, and spreading habit. Native to the eastern U.S., Winged…

  • Rhus glabra (Smooth Sumac)

    Flamboyant in autumn, Rhus glabra (Smooth Sumac) is an open, spreading, deciduous shrub with nice ornamental features. Its foliage of shiny, deeply dissected, fern-like, deep green leaves, 18 in. long (45 cm),…

  • Rhus ovata (Sugar Sumac)

    Beautiful year round, Rhus ovata (Sugar Sumac) is a rounded, evergreen shrub or small tree with stout reddish twigs clothed with large, ovate, lustrous dark green leaves, 3 in. long (7 cm),…

  • Rhus trilobata (Skunkbush Sumac)

    Noted for its 3 seasons of interest, Rhus trilobata (Skunkbush Sumac) is an upright arching deciduous shrub forming rounded, moundlike, or upright thickets. Native to western North America, it produces female or…

  • Rhus typhina Dissecta (Cut-Leaf Staghorn Sumac)

    Award-winning Rhus Tiphina ‘Dissecta’ is an open, spreading, deciduous shrub or small tree with nice ornamental features. Its foliage of large, deeply dissected, fern-like, bright green leaves, 2 ft. long (60 cm),…