Category / Cistus / Rock Roses
Cistus x pulverulentus Sunset (Magenta Rock Rose)
Excellent for adding sparkling color to dry gardens, Cistus x pulverulentus ‘Sunset’ (Magenta Rock Rose) is a low spreading, evergreen shrub with eye-catching clusters of yellow-centered, rich cerise flowers, 2 in. across…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus × hybridus Little Miss Sunshine (Rockrose)
Cistus × hybridus Little Miss Sunshine (Rockrose) is a low-growing evergreen shrub with masses of large, pure white saucer-shaped flowers, adorned with bright golden-yellow stamens at their heart. Although each flower lasts…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus × skanbergii (Dwarf Pink Rockrose)
Cistus x skanbergii (Dwarf Pink Rockrose) is a compact, bushy evergreen shrub with masses of clear pale pink, saucer-shaped flowers, 1 in. across (3 cm), adorned with bright golden-yellow stamens at their…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus creticus (Cretan Rockrose)
A carefree Mediterranean native, Cistus creticus (Cretan Rockrose) is a small, bushy, evergreen shrub with deep purple-pink to rose pink flowers, 2 in. across (5 cm), adorned with orange stamens. Although each…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus creticus ssp. incanus (Pink Rock Rose)
Glowing in the sunny border, Cistus creticus ssp. incanus (Pink Rock Rose) is a lovely, bushy evergreen shrub with flamboyant, deep pink flowers, 2 in. across (5 cm), adorned with orange stamens.…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus ladanifer (Crimson-Spot Rockrose)
Considered by some the most beautiful, Cistus ladanifer (Crimson-Spot Rockrose) is definitely one of the showiest Cistus species. In spring, this dense, evergreen shrub is covered with a profusion of large, up…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus purpureus (Purple-Flowered Rock Rose)
One of the showiest Rock Roses, Cistus purpureus (Purple-Flowered Rock Rose) is a small, bushy evergreen shrub with large, yellow-centered, purplish-pink flowers. Tolerates temperatures down to around 15°F (-9°C). Excellent for adding…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus salviifolius Prostratus (Sageleaf Rockrose)
Cistus salviifolius ‘Prostratus’ (Sageleaf Rockrose) is a low spreading evergreen shrub with profuse snow-white flowers, 1.5 in. across (3.5 cm), adorned with golden-yellow stamens at their heart and a yellow spot at…
March 4, 2023 -
Cistus x florentinus (Florentine Rockrose)
Cistus x florentinus (Florentine Rockrose) is a compact, evergreen shrub forming a foliage mound of small, narrow, gray-green leaves. In spring and summer, this bushy shrub is covered with a profusion of…
March 4, 2023