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  • Castanea mollissima (Chinese Chestnut)

    Castanea mollissima (Chinese Chestnut) is a medium-sized deciduous tree with a short trunk and an open rounded crown adorned with wide-spreading branches. The lustrous dark green, coarsely serrated leaves, 5-8 in. long…

  • Castanea pumila (Dwarf Chestnut)

    Castanea pumila (Dwarf Chestnut) is a large thicket-forming shrub or small tree with spreading lower branches and ascending upper branches. The alternate, oblong, finely serrated leaves, 3-5 in. long (7-12 cm), are…

  • Castanea sativa (European Chestnut)

    Castanea sativa (European Chestnut) is a large vigorous deciduous tree of pyramidal-rounded to broad-columnar habit with a large trunk, up to 7 ft. (210 cm) and a canopy of glossy, serrate, oblong-lanceolate…