Category / Bamboos

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  • Bambusa chungii Barbelletta (Blue Bamboo)

    Bambusa chungii ‘Barbelletta’ (Blue Bamboo) is a medium-sized evergreen bamboo with upright, tidy canes, up to 1.5 in. wide (45 cm), covered with a thin powder-like bloom, which gives them an elegant,…

  • Bambusa multiplex Alphonse Karr (Bamboo)

    A sought after selection, Bambusa multiplex ‘Alphonse Karr’ (Bamboo) is a medium-sized evergreen bamboo with tall, upright, bright golden-yellow canes, up to 2 in. wide (5 cm), with random green stripes and…

  • Bambusa ventricosa (Buddha Belly Bamboo)

    A popular species for containers, Bambusa ventricosa (Buddha Belly Bamboo) is a decorative evergreen bamboo noted for the swollen or bulging internodes of its canes resembling the fat belly of the Buddha.…

  • Bambusa vulgaris Vittata (Painted Bamboo)

    One of the most cultivated ornamental bamboos, Bambusa vulgaris ‘Vittata’ (Painted Bamboo) is a large evergreen bamboo with arching golden-yellow canes, up to 3 in. wide (7 cm), randomly marked with narrow…

  • Bambusa vulgaris Wamin (Dwarf Buddha Belly Bamboo)

    Bambusa vulgaris ‘Wamin’ (Dwarf Buddha Belly Bamboo) is a small-sized evergreen bamboo with dark shiny green canes, up to 3 in. wide (7 cm), adorned with short and swollen lower internodes resembling…

  • Dendrocalamus giganteus (Giant Bamboo)

    The tallest bamboo in the world, Dendrocalamus giganteus (Giant Bamboo) is an impressive evergreen bamboo with huge, upright, incredibly thick, dull green to dark blue-green canes. The culms are extremely robust and…

  • Fargesia murielae (Umbrella Bamboo)

    A long-cultivated species, Fargesia murielae (Umbrella Bamboo) is an elegant, evergreen, clump-forming bamboo with tall and slender, rich yellow-green canes gently arching under the weight of the foliage. Short and narrow, up…

  • Fargesia nitida (Chinese Fountain Bamboo)

    A particularly robust species, Fargesia nitida (Chinese Fountain Bamboo) is an elegant, evergreen, clump-forming bamboo with tall and slender, purple-flushed green canes strongly arching under the weight of the foliage. Short and…

  • Fargesia robusta Campbell (Bamboo)

    A magnificent selection, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’ (Bamboo) is an elegant, evergreen, clump-forming bamboo with tall and slender, rich deep green canes adorned with pale, almost white, semi-persistent culm sheaths, creating a striking…

  • Fargesia rufa (Dragon Head Bamboo)

    Fast-growing, Fargesia rufa (Dragon Head Bamboo) is an elegant, evergreen, clump-forming bamboo with short and very slender, glossy bright green canes adorned with conspicuous red sheaths. Fairly upright when young, its canes…

  • Himalayacalamus hookerianus (Blue Bamboo)

    Attractive wherever it grows, Himalayacalamus hookerianus (Blue Bamboo) is a graceful and elegant, evergreen clump-forming bamboo with tall and slender, striking blue canes complemented by delicate foliage. Emerald green at first, the…

  • Phyllostachys aurea (Fish-Pole Bamboo)

    Phyllostachys aurea (Fish-Pole Bamboo) is a strong but graceful evergreen bamboo with tall, upright, bright green canes changing to yellow-green with age and exposure. The smooth culms, 1 in. wide (2.5 cm),…

  • Phyllostachys aureosulcata f. aureocaulis (Yellow Grove Bamboo)

    Extremely cold-hardy, Phyllostachys aureosulcata f. aureocaulis (Yellow Grove Bamboo) is an evergreen bamboo with tall, upright, yellow canes, which may occasionally display a thin green stripe or panel. Rich bright yellow at…

  • Phyllostachys aureosulcata f. spectabilis (Showy Yellow Grove Bamboo)

    Extremely cold-hardy, Phyllostachys aureosulcata f. spectabilis (Showy Yellow Grove Bamboo) is an evergreen bamboo with tall, upright, yellow canes adorned with a contrasting green panel in the sulcus. Rich bright yellow at…

  • Phyllostachys bambusoides Holochrysa (Allgold Bamboo)

    A feast for the eye, Phyllostachys bambusoides ‘Holochrysa’ (Allgold Bamboo) is an evergreen bamboo with tall, upright, deep orange-yellow canes brightening up the dullest corners of the garden. Rich orange-yellow at first,…