Category / Abies - Firs

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  • Abies concolor Archer’s Dwarf (White Fir)

    Abies concolor ‘Archer’s Dwarf’ is a dwarf evergreen conifer of regular, conical habit adorned with slightly ascending branches clothed in soft, silvery-blue, slightly incurved needles. Slow-growing, 3-4 in. per year (7-10 cm),…

  • Abies concolor Candicans (White Fir)

    Regarded as the bluest of all conifers, Abies concolor ‘Candicans’ is a magnificent large evergreen conifer. Forming a dense pyramid when young, it matures to a columnar, highly symmetrical shape with handsome…

  • Abies concolor Compacta (White Fir)

    A deservedly popular White Fir, Abies concolor ‘Compacta’ is a slow-growing dwarf evergreen conifer of great beauty. It forms a dense, compact mound of irregular, spreading shape, unless it is sheared to…

  • Abies concolor Hosta la Vista (White Fir)

    Abies concolor ‘Hosta la Vista’ is a dwarf evergreen conifer of globose habit, beautifully clothed with long, thick, slightly recurved, blue-green needles adorned with a glaucous, powdery coating. Slow-growing, 1-2 in. per…

  • Abies concolor Piggelmee (White Fir)

    A miniature White Firm cultivar, Abies concolor ‘Piggelmee’ is a slow-growing dwarf evergreen conifer with a lovely pale blue foliage. A miniature White Firm cultivar, Abies concolor 'Piggelmee' is a slow-growing dwarf…

  • Abies fraseri (Fraser Fir)

    Abies fraseri (Fraser Fir) is a medium-sized evergreen conifer of narrow, pyramidal habit with a spire-like crown and resinous stems densely clad with flattened, short, turpentine-scented needles, shiny dark green above with…

  • Abies grandis (Grand Fir)

    One of the tallest firs in the world, Abies grandis (Grand Fir) is a large evergreen conifer of narrow, conical habit becoming round-topped or straggly with age. Its spreading and drooping branches…

  • Abies koreana Alpin Star (Korean Fir)

    Abies koreana ‘Alpin Star’ (Korean Fir) is a dwarf, evergreen conifer of compact, upright, irregular habit densely clothed in incredibly dark green needles, adorned with white undersides. Slow-growing, 1-3 in. per year…

  • Abies koreana Aurea (Korean Fir)

    Abies koreana ‘Aurea’ (Korean Fir) is a desirable evergreen conifer of globe-shaped habit when young, becoming broadly pyramidal over time. Its ascending branches boast short, bright golden-yellow needles adorned with silvery-white undersides…

  • Abies koreana Blauer Eskimo (Korean Fir)

    Abies koreana ‘Blauer Eskimo’ (Korean Fir) is a dwarf, evergreen conifer of globose habit adorned with short and stubby branches clothed in blue-green needles and prominent resin-covered buds which are ravishing in…

  • Abies alba (European Silver Fir)

    Abies alba (European Silver Fir) is a large evergreen conifer of conical habit with straight stems densely clad with glossy dark green needles with silvery undersides. The seed cones, 4-6 in. long…

  • Abies amabilis Spreading Star (Pacific Silver Fir)

    Abies amabilis ‘Spreading Star’ is a low-growing, evergreen conifer forming a widely spreading mound adorned with thick, overlapping, horizontal to arching branches clothed in a lush foliage of fluffy, green, long needles…

  • Abies balsamea (Hudsonia Group) Nana (Balsam Fir)

    Highly popular, Abies balsamea ‘Nana’ is a dwarf, aromatic, evergreen conifer of globose habit, forming a broad mound with numerous short branches, adorned with a lush foliage of dark green needles radially…

  • Abies cephalonica Meyers Dwarf (Greek Fir)

    A popular selection, Abies cephalonica ‘Meyer’s Dwarf’ (Greek Fir), is a dwarf, evergreen conifer rich in many habits. Depending on the nature of the scionwood used in propagation, this dwarf selection could…

  • Abies cephalonica (Greek Fir)

    Abies cephalonica (Greek Fir) is a large evergreen conifer of conical habit adorned with spreading, erect branches on mature trees. Sharp and stiff, the needles are glossy dark green with two blue-white…